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Award-winning SDWAN solution to bring agility to your business (只提供英文版本)

Award-winning SDWAN solution to bring agility to your business

HGC SDWAN is a virtual and secured software-defined WAN architecture that allows enterprises to manage multi-connectivity flexibly, improve bandwidth efficiency and application performance, delivering an enhanced user experience.


Better network and application performance

Improve application performance by recognizing up to 5,000 and more applications. No backhauling traffic through headquarter or data center. You can access to the cloud application from the branch directly with security control.

Boost network availability

Support multi-path intelligence. It can select the best route for your application based on the live network performance. The SDWAN intelligently manages routing and switching, with failover automation that defaults to its resilience path based on rules set by users.

Edge device with versatile functions

With a single edge device, you can have basic network management and firewall functions. You can monitor your edge devices and view their configuration on the centralized management portal. Real-time traffic can be checked through the dashboard.

Simplify network monitoring and management

Professional consulting team will help you smoothly migrate your existing network to HGC SDWAN based on your operational needs. Our technical hotline provides 24/7 support for your business.

Our feature-rich solution

Feature Description
Total WAN solution The HGC SDWAN provides centralized route management and deep traffic analytic dashboard.
Application visibility Visibility down to the application level for routings setup and provide real-time traffic by application on dashboard.
Multi-path intelligence Supports several types of connection including MPLS, Internet, 4G LTE and 5G. It can prioritize network traffic over different connections, and take the optimal route for your application automatically.
WAN resiliency If one connectivity outage occurs, the SDWAN can switch over your traffic to another connectivity instantly. This load-balancing among different connections greatly enhances WAN resiliency.
Edge device to manage network with basic firewall The SDWAN supports both physical edge devices at customer’s own premises, or on virtual edge devices integrating with cloud platforms. It can also support IPv4 and IPv6 protocol, and embed with advanced Unified Threat Management (UTM), such as IPS, threat detection, anti-malware and web filtering.
HGC SDWAN Solution Diagram

HGC SDWAN Architecture

HGC SDWAN - Basic SDWAN and Managed SDWAN

HGC SDWAN Basic Managed

Awards & Recognition

HGC SDWAN is awarded as Best of I.T. Award 2021-22 - Enterprise Network Services (SDWAN) by PCM Magazine.

Rainbow Wong, Vice President of Corporate Market, HGC, said: “Global catering and retail brands adopt HGC SDWAN for their retail branch network. Through its bandwidth diversification intelligence, the solution enhances network performance and thus boosts overall customer experience”.

HGC SDWAN accelerates the digital transformation of different enterprises, including retail, FSI, manufacturing and other industry domains, providing a secure, reliable, agile, bandwidth-efficient and easy to manage network.

Click here
to view PCM's article on this award-winning solution (Chinese version only)

Best of IT Award 2021 22 Logo