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Talk Central 智能商業電話



Talk Central一站式企業級網絡電話服務,採用VoIP技術,配備網上話音管理及操控平台,令您無論使用公司電話,都可以單一號碼進行所有通話及話音管理。


特點 詳情
毋須安裝電話線 Talk Central服務只要將IP電話連接至互聯網即可使用,客戶可沿用本身接駁電腦的網線接駁IP電話,毋須如傳統電話服務需額外安裝電話線,免除拉線的麻煩。​
可隨時改動內線電話位置 如要搬遷內線電話的位置,傳統電話需要進行拉線工程,非常不便。Talk Central可以讓客戶自行把電話接駁任何上網的網線即可使用,方便省錢。
毋須購置或租用PABX系統 Talk Central使用中央性系統,客戶毋須購買或租用keyline或PABX系統,節省成本。
網上管理電話記錄 提高工作效率 網上話音管理及操控平台以列表方式詳細列出所有來電記錄,包括未接來電、已接來電及撥出電話號碼及姓名等,方便用戶一目了然地篩選重要來電及留言,提高工作效率。

智能來電轉駁功能 智能話音路線功能可按您設定,令您無論使用公司電話、手機或住所電話,都可以接聽電話及話音管理。



電話留言送到電子郵箱 可以用電郵方式接聽電話留言,隨時隨地一站式查閱電郵及電話留言,方便靈活。
來電顯示 可以在接電話前先確定來電號碼,然後決定是否接聽,掌握通話主導權。

*註: 此服務於下列情況未能顯示來電者資料


Talk Central期間限定月費優惠$65起


Hgc Talk Central Webpage Image Tc

環球全域電訊有限公司可不論直接或透過其聯營公司、代理及/或商業夥伴1,使用本人的個人資料2 (「個人資料」)作直接促銷下列之服務及/或產品。



  1. 商業夥伴包括與環球全域電訊有限公司已簽訂商業協議之指定行業機構(有關指定行業之資料請參考3)。
  2. 個人資料包括任何或所有以下資料: 姓名、性別、電話號碼、傳真號碼、郵寄地址、電郵地址、出生年月、以及電訊和有關電訊增值服務的用量、環球全域電訊有限公司之賬戶及服務號碼。
  3. 指定行業包括電訊及有關電訊增值服務及產品、禮賓服務、鮮花及禮物籃、婚禮籌備服務、個人護理及美容、服飾、超級市場及百貨公司、家居生活、餐飲及食品、酒店及旅遊、娛樂消閑、高端消費產品、電器及電子產品、電子商務及付款平台、媒體、保險、銀行及金融、教育、文儀用品、房地產及物業管理、物流及運輸、社交網絡服務、招聘、慈善及非牟利機構。

若閣下日後不希望環球全域電訊有限公司及其聯營公司、代理及/或商業夥伴向閣下提供有關環球全域電訊有限公司、其聯營公司及商業夥伴直接促銷上述產品及服務之資料,請電郵 suggestion@hgc.com.hk 、或郵寄至香港荃灣郵政局郵箱33號或致電環球全域電訊有限公司客戶服務熱線1220 (話音/國際長途電話服務) / 1222 (互聯網服務)。如閣下選擇以電郵或郵寄方式通知我們,我們的客戶服務主任將會致電閣下以作確認。

掃瞄或點擊查詢 (WhatsApp)

條款及細則 (只提供英文版)

The offer is valid until 31 January 2019 and applicable to new corporate customers and designated commercial buildings only, subject to a fixed contract term of 24 months (“Fixed Contract Period”).

  1. Customer agrees to subscribe from HGC Global Communications Limited (“HGC”) for the Talk Central Services as set out above (the “Services”) and effect the same as from the above service request date or any other date as mutually agreed by Customer and HGC. Notwithstanding that, Customer acknowledges and agrees that the availability and actual activation date of the Services shall be subject to the final confirmation by HGC, and which confirmation shall be affected by and subject to HGC’s network coverage, capacity, internal trunking within building, site constraints, site survey results, approvals from building management offices (BMO) (if any), licenses from various relevant Government bodies (if any), credit approvals and any other reasons beyond the control of HGC. Customer acknowledges and agrees that notwithstanding the final confirmation by HGC as aforesaid, the installation services for effecting the Services, the provision of the Services and the quality of the Services provided by HGC shall actually be subject to and conditional upon the circumstantial factors of the installation sites and/or the environment and condition of where the Services are to be effected and used. Customer further acknowledges and agrees that HGC shall reserve its sole and absolute discretion to decide to accept, reject, cancel, withdraw and/or vary Customer’s subscription for the Services or otherwise, the provision of the Services to Customer without incurring any liability therefrom.
  2. The above monthly service fee and installation fee only cover standard installation work which refers to installation work conducted by HGC using common facilities available from the building, which includes cable, trunking, raiser etc., with permission to use these facilities without additional charge to HGC. HGC reserves the right to charge Customer on top of the above monthly service fee and installation fee of the installation work outside the scope of standard installation work which is not planned or beyond normal provision of the Services, including but not limited to high-platform setup, opening ceiling, fixing promat, special internal wiring, dedicated trunking, internal trunking, civil works, wayleave dues, Customer premise equipment, maintenance or site visit for non HGC network, any surcharges imposed by the building management office, incorporated owner of committee, contractor or any third parties for the provision of the Services, etc. The charge is subject to the cost, complexity, effort involved and the availability of resources.
  3. The Services can only be used at the installation address specified above throughout the whole contract period and any renewal period thereafter.
  4. For relocation of installation address, Customer must give not less than ten (10) days’ prior notice to HGC. Availability of the Services at the relocated address will be subject to HGC’s network coverage and technical facilities.
  5. Customer shall ensure its system and network settings, including any personal computers, shall meet the minimum requirements and specifications from time to time announced by HGC for the software (if any) provided by HGC for the Services.
  6. Customer shall bear its own risks for using any third party software to access the Services. HGC does not warrant the Services will be compatible with, or any particular features of the Services will be available by using such third party software.
  7. HGC shall not be responsible for troubleshooting or maintenance of any non HGC’s networks. If HGC agrees to make a maintenance visit in relation to any non HGC’s network, HGC reserves the right to charge Customer for such maintenance visit. Customer acknowledges and agrees to pay all administrative surcharges or fees imposed by any building management offices, incorporated owners committees or any third parties for the provision of or the facilitation of Customer’s use of the Services.
  8. Customer agrees to take all necessary steps to facilitate HGC to install the Services on or before the above service request date or any other date as mutually agreed with HGC.
  9. For any change of the service request date, Customer shall give not less than three (3) working days’ advance written notice to HGC. Customer agrees to pay HGC an administrative fee of HK$600 for each re-scheduling of service request date. The re-scheduling is subject to mutual agreement between Customer and HGC.
  10. All equipment provided by HGC for the Services, including all phone sets, must be returned to HGC upon termination for whatever cause of the Services. Customer shall be responsible for and shall upon request pay HGC the full costs of the equipment if it is damaged, lost, or otherwise not returned for whatever reasons (For details, please visit our website: www.hgcbiz.com/Category/Voice-en.html).
  11. Invoices will be sent to Customer electronically to the e-mail address provided by Customer. Customer can login to the HGC e-Bill portal to view the invoice details. If hardcopy bill by post is required by Customer, a service fee of $30 or another prevailing fee will be charged per hardcopy bill. Monthly service fee will be billed a) in advance for recurrent and b) in arrears for non-recurrent or usage-based charges. Detailed payment instructions will be shown in the bill.
  12. Customer must give HGC one month’s prior written notice for termination of the Services and any subscribed for value-added service (“VAS”) (if applicable). In the event of such termination or where HGC terminates the Services and VAS due to Customer’s default, Customer agrees to pay to HGC an early termination charge equivalent to the monthly services fees and any value-added services multiplied by the number of months remaining of the minimum contract period of the Services and VAS.
  13. Customer hereby acknowledges and agrees that immediately upon the expiry of the contract period, this contract shall automatically continue thereafter and be deemed to have been renewed on a monthly basis upon the same terms and conditions hereunder, save and except that the contract period for the contract as renewed from time to time shall be one month and the monthly service fee shall be as mentioned below. Provision of the Services as requested under this contract, phone equipment and all other value added services subscribed for under this contract will be automatically continued on a monthly basis and chargeable at the then prevailing standard monthly service fee as determined by HGC (For details, please visit our website: www.hgcbiz.com/Category/Voice-en.html). Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the automatic renewal as aforesaid shall cease upon the expiry of the one month prior notice for terminating this contract as received by HGC from Customer.
  14. Provision of the Services is conditional upon availability of HGC’s business broadband services. Customer shall ensure that the business broadband services subscribed from HGC have the requisite upload and download speed that meet the Talk Central Technical Requirement as set out below.
  15. The Services may be provided to Customer via its own IP infrastructure. Customer shall at its own costs take all necessary steps to ensure such IP infrastructure (if any) settings fulfill the Talk Central Technical Requirement below. HGC shall not be responsible for any outage or fault of the Services should Customer fail to fulfill the Talk Central Technical Requirement below.
  16. The Services cannot function during power failure and is not suitable for use with lifeline devices.
  17. Use of the Services requires a stable connection to the Internet whereby the uploading and downloading speed should meet the Talk Central Technical Requirement as set out below. If the telephone set is connected to a broadband network provided by any broadband service provider other than HGC (“Other Broadband Network”), HGC shall not be responsible for the availability and quality of the Services under this situation. As the Services may also be impaired by the uploading or downloading speed of Other Broadband Network, HGC will only be responsible for the telephone set and service / features configuration and usability in this circumstance. It is Customer's sole responsibility to ensure the availability and quality of Other Broadband Network. Customer shall contact the service provider of Other Broadband Network directly if necessary.
  18. This offer is subject to HGC’s General and Special Terms and Conditions which can be found on our website www.hgcbiz.com/TermsConditions/index-en.html. If there is any conflict between the terms and conditions specified in this offer and HGC’s General and Special Terms and Conditions, then the former will prevail.​​​





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