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Smart Server Room (只提供英文版本)

Smart Server Room

The solution for smart server room is to allow customer who renting cabinet from data center to monitor the cabinet condition in order to enhance the service availability and access control.

In general, data center can ensure the overall ambient temperature and humidity. There is no temperature and humidity measurement inside the cabinet. Tenant may not be aware of the raise of temperature and humidity inside the cabinet until service performance degradation which caused by equipment overheating.

Also, tenant may make pre-registration for a group of persons to grant the data center access. However, they don’t know which person open the cabinet and when the cabinet is opened. Knowing when the cabinet is open and who open it can help to have better access control

To address above two items, HGC proposes a Smart Server Room solution composed by three major parts:
1. Smart Sensor
2. Smart AI Platform
3. Smart AI Portal

Smart Server Room

The solution for smart server room is to allow customer who renting cabinet from data center to monitor the cabinet condition in order to enhance the service availability and access control.

In general, data center can ensure the overall ambient temperature and humidity. There is no temperature and humidity measurement inside the cabinet. Tenant may not be aware of the raise of temperature and humidity inside the cabinet until service performance degradation which caused by equipment overheating.

Also, tenant may make pre-registration for a group of persons to grant the data center access. However, they don’t know which person open the cabinet and when the cabinet is opened. Knowing when the cabinet is open and who open it can help to have better access control

To address above two items, HGC proposes a Smart Server Room solution composed by three major parts:
1. Smart Sensor
2. Smart AI Platform
3. Smart AI Portal

The Smart Sensor

The main components installed in the cabinet are included:

1. A climate sensor to measure the temperature and humidity. It will place inside the cabinet
2. A door sensor will be placed on the cabinet door to keep track the door open and close status
3. IP camera will be installed inside the cabinet and point outward to the front door to take photo snapshot
4. A IoT gateway is placed inside the cabinet to collect the data and photo, and send to the Smart IA platform

Smart AI Platform

All the data will be sent to the Smart AI Platform from the gateway. The platform will then store the data, do data analysis and take the alert actions according to the user pre-defined setting via the Smart AI Portal.

Apart from monitoring the Smart Sensors, the Smart AI Platform is capable to monitor customer device/system via API integration. Customer can monitor all device in a single portal.

AI alerts can be predefined according to the user business requirements. All parameters, which feed to the Smart AI Platform, can be defined to form the AI alert.

The Smart AI Platform has connected to email and SMS gateway. According to the pre-defined setting, email and/or SMS alert notification is able to send to designated persons.

Smart AI Portal

Information will be presented in the Smart AI Portal. Through a web browser, user is able to view the sensor current status, historical trend graphic, export historical and check the photo snapshot.

User is also able to pre-define the temperature threshold value, humidity threshold value and notification recipient. When the measured value is out of the pre-defined range, email and/or SMS alert notification will be sent to the recipient.


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